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Catch in the Air: Stunning photos capture the connection between skateboarding and architecture

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  • Post published:September 29, 2020

Skateboarding – the pastime of teens and no-good punks – and architecture – that lofty, high-brow topic – may seem worlds apart. But French photographer Fred Mortagne has spent a decade-and-a-half proving how they are inextricably linked and showing skateboarding “for what it really is”.

The director and photographer, also known as French Fred, lives in Lyon, France, and documents the style and aesthetics of skateboarding culture. The fruits of his photography project spanning 2000 to 2015 are compiled in his new book: Attraper Au Vol, or “Catch in the Air”.

The monochrome images of skaters in action are as much a celebration of the culture as the buildings and spaces that they use as their temporary urban playgrounds.